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Youth Media Alliance - Alliance Médias Jeunesse

Nov 06, 2024

ContactYouth Media Alliance (YMA)5144835417

YMA Prix Jeunesse International Suitcase

YMA Prix Jeunesse International Suitcase

Explore the best and most innovative programs of the Prix Jeunesse International 2024 festival online in sync* or at your leisure**.  

This unique opportunity gives you access to content from all over the world that you won't find anywhere else. You can view the videos in person on November 6, in live synchro*, or at any time until December 1, by purchasing the link to all the videos.

To register in person, please register via the Conference.

To purchase the link for viewing and discussion in sychro*, or for viewing at any time until Dec. 1, please register here by clicking below.

* in sychro live: 
A few days before Nov. 6, you'll receive two links: one to join the discussion and presentation of the 'live' videos, and one to view the videos at your leisure until Dec. 1.

** at your leisure:
A few days before Nov. 6, you'll receive a link: one to view the videos at your leisure until Dec. 1.


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